Elder Law Planning

Prepare for your senior loved ones’ golden years
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Elder Law Planning Attorney In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Protect Your Loved One When They’re Most Vulnerable

When a loved one begins to age or suffers a sudden disability, like a stroke, you probably ask, “Where do I turn to find help?” Whether it’s dementia or a physical disability, you want to ensure that they get proper care, even if you pass away. Certainly, you never want them to fall into the hands of a scammer or unscrupulous family members. You need to act as their advocate, but you don’t know where to turn. An attorney in elder law can help you put together an airtight plan that will protect your loved one yet preserve their independence as much as possible.

Contact Branch & Hurtt Law Firm PC to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 405-855-2693

Maintain Their Dignity

Failing health or growing old need not rob your loved one of their dignity. Meet with one of our elder law attorneys to look at your options, decide on the best course of action for your loved one, and to put the proper legal framework in place to provide them with as much control as possible without risking their health or welfare. We’ll help you and your senior family member find resources that won’t strain your budget yet provide flexibility and choice as long as your family member can make decisions on their own. Meet with one of our lawyers to review your options.

Preserve Their Financial Assets

As people age, they often become overly trusting of others. This leaves them vulnerable to shifty salespeople, scammers, or outright thieves. Using powers of attorney, guardianships, or other legal instruments, our estate planning lawyers can help your loved one avoid falling victim to these people. We can also help your loved one leverage a long-term care plan that maintains eligibility for government benefits while preserving their life’s savings and legacy. Make an appointment today so you can have peace of mind tomorrow.

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